This page provides links to sites that list galleries, exhibitions, art/craft fairs, and other art events that have issued a call-for-entry (calls for artwork submissions). Most of the sites are searchable and/or allow you to filter criteria to narrow down the field to fit your needs. If there is enough interest, we may expand the page to list individual calls for entry that are applicable to our local area or particular media.
If you know of other sites that should be listed on this page, please email Vince Pitelka or Carolyn Rhinebarger with your suggestions. Also, this is a work-in-progress, so when checking out these sites, please let us know whether they work well. Are some especially effective and others not so much?
Web Links for Sites that List Art/Craft Calls-for-Entry
Triangle Artworks – Their mission is to “provide the services, support, and resources necessary to cultivate and ensure a thriving arts community in the Triangle region of North Carolina. The link leads to their calls-for-entry page.
North Carolina Arts – The “Artist Opportunities” page of the North Carolina Arts Council.
Café – The best known, highly effective site listing art calls-for-entry. To search, just click “Find Calls” at the top. There is a very long column of filters to reduce the listed calls to a manageable range. If you click “Artists,” you have the option to set up an account, submit applications, and manage your applications.
Zapp – Bills itself as “Where Artists and Art Festivals Connect.” This site lists only shows or events using Zapp. It has a search box but limited filter options.
ArtCall – Lists current art calls-for-entry, and has filter categories on the right. Also has an “Art Portfolio” to browse and by art online.
Artwork Archive – Lists all kinds of artist opportunity calls-for-entry, with a column of filter categories on the left.
EntryThingy – The “For Artists” category of EntryThingy, lists current art calls-for-entry, with filter categories at the top on the right.
C4E – CallForEntries – Lists calls-for-entry in the art, and oddly, has separate buttons at the top for “Art Calls” and “Photography Calls.” It lists categories on the left, with a search box to enter your own parameters.
TheArtGuide – Bills itself as “The Source for Art Opportunities and Events,” with a “Calls for Artists” page. It does not have an opportunity to filter categories, but it is compact and easily reviewed.
Eventy – This site lists all kinds of events all over the place. You can click “Arts” at the top, and then you can specify “North Carolina” (or another location) and even a date range if you wish.