The Chatham Artists Guild (CAG) is a non-profit, member organization of visual artists whose mission is to: connect our community’s artists and arts patrons; provide educational and charitable activities and events to enrich and develop awareness and appreciation of the significance of the visual arts.
Our members and programs support our goals to:
• Raise awareness and appreciation for the visual arts and their cultural and economic
contribution to the community.
• Create connections between artists in order to share resources and ideas.
• Educate the community and cultivate new artists and art patrons.
2024 is the 32nd year of Chatham Artists Guild bringing art to the people of North Carolina. The Guild’s annual Studio Tour is our signature event. It is one of the oldest in the State, a prototype for other area studio tours, and a highly respected art venue.
Membership is for visual artists 18 and older who live in and create art in Chatham County. Learn more about becoming a member.
A Short History
When it was first founded in 1992, the Studio Tour was one of the many programs of the Chatham Arts Council (CAC), which is the local designated county partner of the NC Arts Council. Under the direction of Cathy Holt it was called “The Chatham County Open Studio Tour.” Cathy was troubled that the many artists throughout Chatham County did not know each other, and the Chatham County community didn’t know them. The creation of an Open Studio Tour was her remedy.
Although the Tour was developed by CAC, it had always been self-funded by the artists through subscriptions and sponsorships. In 2005, the Tour artists decided to form a Guild, operate the Tour on their own, and seek grants to help sustain the organization. The Guild was awarded its 501(c)3 status in 2007 through the diligent work of artist/member Leslie Palmer.
Today the membership of the Guild is comprised of some 60-70 visual artists with studios in Chatham County. The Guild renews itself each year by inviting all artists maintaining studios in Chatham County to apply for membership.
Chatham Artists Guild is a proud member of: